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PSD to HTML Comparision

A comparison site on the various PSD to HTML services out there as far as rates, turn around time etc.

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9 Useful Javascript Syntax Highlighting Scripts

Syntax highlighting is very important when we want to show codes elegantly on our sites. Here are 9 JavaScript based highlighters.

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Interview with Colorburned Editor Grant Friedman

An interview with Grant Friedman, editor of Colorburned.com and web designer/ blogger.

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An Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML 2

W3C has indicated it will stop supporting future development of XHTML in favor of HTML 5. A helpful FAQ about what this means to webmasters.

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jQuery Drop Line Tabs

This CSS menu with some jQuery magic turns a nested UL list into a horizontal drop line tabs menu.

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150 Worth Knowing Web Developer Tools and Techniques

A large compilation of useful webmaster related resources, from Ajax scripts to ready to use, menus, auto completion, table grids, and more.

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List of Really Useful Plugins For jQuery Developers

Some useful jQuery plugins for developers, such as easing animations, form validation, and mouse gestures plugins.

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50 Free and Exclusive Twitter Icons

50 free and exclusive Twitter icons that you can use for your websites. The icons are provided in both raster and vector formats: The transparent PNG versions are 256×256.

Your Votes: 7 Yays  2 Nays

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